Our much maligned Intermediate Footballers who are criticised from all non supporting members of the club had a great win in Toorin against The Geraldine’s on Friday night last, with a score line of 2 16 to 2 9, well done to all concerned. On Saturday last we welcomed our near neighbours Abbeyside to Clogherane for the latest round of the u15 championship and after a good performance in the first half we just came up short in the end of what was a very good game, however during the week our u16 team travelled to Tallow to take on Cois Brid in the first round of the championship, for those of you that do not know playing Cois Brid in Tallow is as hard as going to Thomond Park to take on Munster, so our boys were up against it but they dug deep and against all the odds they away with a 4 pt. win. TEAM C Flynn, S Dalton, E Fraher, M Power, T Murray, J Burke, M Mc Garry, O Morrissey, W O Donnell, C Coward, T Loftus, J Shaw, A Shanahan, M Mc Donagh, S Mc Grath, J O Callaghan, P Walsh, C Keoghan, R O Dwyer. Special mention to our backs who were all hero’s on the night. Well done also to our u13s who gave a heroic display in Ballduff, we had a man sent off, so we were under the cosh for a lot of the game but we stood tall and came away with a 2 pt. win TEAM, L Lannen, K Crotty, J Ducey, S Galvin,G Mc Govern, M Coles, E O Callaghan, M Loftus, G Christopher, K Healy, R Wall, T Geary, B Curran, F Nagle, S Cullinan, D Healy, E Burke, J Maye, K Collins. Last Monday we travelled to Cappoquin with a very understrength team and lost to a strong Cappoquin Team. Well done to our senior hurlers who had a very good win against Roanmore in the Sargent Cup last Tuesday week.
Dungarvan GAA Club training Academy for boys and girls aged 5/10 years – Football, Hurling
Saturday mornings – 11am to 12:00 and Tuesdays from 18:15 to19:15pm for the youngest groups. 10am-12pm for the older groups.
Parents and guardians of the children are fundamental to the successful running of the Academy. Each year we invite parents to volunteer to become coaches/helpers in the Academy.
No previous experience is required as the club provides resources, training courses and support through its (Games Promotions Officer)
All the Coaches and Kids have been very busy with the past few weeks with training and games and now are supporting ‘Games on the Green’ . The purpose of this project is to bring the club to the housing estates in Dungarvan to meet all the kids and parents and have some fun.
Last week we travelled to Leacan Fionn where we had some great fun with the Kids and particilaity the Parents as they were put through the paces by the Kids. Thanks again for all the parents who were brave enough to get involved .
As we all know by now, helmets that are tampered in any way will not be covered by insurance if they receive a facial injury.
The club Lotto can now be bought online and also at the following outlets, The Country Store, Hallahans Chemists, Paddy Foleys Bar, Queallys Bar, John Walsh’s Spar, Johnny Lynch’s Fruit and Veg and Graham Nagles Golf Shop. This weeks LOTTO NUMBERS are 3, 14, 20 AND 27. No Winner, next weeks Jackpot is 4900E. NO WINNER of MATCH 3,Next weeks Prize is 200E.
Following the success of last year’s inaugural long puck organised by the Houihan family and friends in which over £13,000 was raised for the Kevin Bell Repatriation Fund, preparations for this year’s event at the Dungarvan GAA grounds on Saturday July 8th are well under way. Entries have already matched last year’s figures and the organisers are working diligently to stage this year’s ‘PUCK’ which will again be based around a family occasion. The day commemorates the life of David Houlihan who died in Thailand in 2015 and who was repatriated with the help of the Kevin Bell Repatriation fund and thoughts throughout the day are also very much with David’s clubmate Trevor Crotty who died in a road accident in 2016.
Patron of the event Rev. Fr. Ned Hassett will open the day’s events with mass in the club stand at 9am, following which the tree planted in honour of David and Trevor will be blessed. The Juveniles will get the long puck under way followed by the adult section over the same course as last year but starting and finishing at different points adjacent to the memorial tree. Throughout the day, food will be served and activities will cater for one and all in what is sure to be a very worthwhile event to attend.
Last year the auction and raffle on the Saturday night was an outstanding success and this year’s gathering will be staged in the Park Hotel with Gavin Whelan of WLRFM as compeer and Studio 80, the Duggan brothers providing the music.
The organising committee appreciates the sponsorship of local businesses, donations to the auction and everybody who is putting their shoulder to the wheel to make this year’s event another community based success.
1, How many times have Armagh won the Sam Maguire Cup. ONCE 2002
2. Cavan were the first Ulster County to win Sam Maguire, who were the second. DOWN IN 1960
3.Between club and county how many Senior All Ireland Medals has Colm Cooper won. 5
4. In what year did Tyrone win their first All Ireland Senior Football Championship. 2003
5. Which county is known as The Banner. CLARE
1. Where is All Ireland Poc Fada played.
2. How many times have Waterford played Cork in All Ireland Hurling Championship during the 3rd Millennium.
3. Over the 20 Championship seasons 1997-2016 inclusive, how many All Ireland Hurling Semi-finals have Waterford played.
4. What Insurance Company sponsor Cork Senior Hurlers.
5. Waterford’s most comfortable win over Cork in the Hurling Championship was recorded on July 10th 1938, what was the score.
Open Air Movie Night
What a sight to behold on a sunny Saturday evening ! Families enjoying the evening sunshine, children playing…, the smell of popcorn and sausages on the BBQ . A huge thank you to everyone to came to Clogherane on Saturday – and for the first time visitors to our club we hope it won’t be your last ! To all our volunteers – thank you also for being present on the night and we could not have done it without our sponsors so please remember them when doing business in Dungarvan . However, despite all our best efforts some things were outside of our control and some Gremlins affected the screening, as a result things ran much later than we had expected. – maybe we should have shown that film instead! All in all though it was a very enjoyable evening and raised much needed funds for the club which we hope will benefit many as we look to the future.
Player of the Week:
This week’s player of the week is Leah McLaughlin. Leah is on our U8 team, and is also one of our newest players. She is always eager to train and practice, and get a on really well with her team mates. Leah is a eel deserving player of the week, showing great team commitment and improving football skills with each passing week. Well Done Leah, keep up the good work!
U12 Match:
Last Thursday our U12 girls played their second championship game against Comeragh Rangers in Rathgormac. It was a close game throughout, and both teams showed great perseverance. However we were unfortunate to lose out in the end.
Change of training day:
U8, U10 and U12 training will now be on every Thursday, starting at 7pm. New faces are always welcome.